Saturday, April 4, 2009

Postmus To Enter Rehabilitation, Supervisors To Provide Their $495-An-Hour Report To Public

The Sun is reporting today that disgraced former San Bernardino County assessor Bill Postmus, who resigned amid allegations of drug abuse and cronyism at the Assessor's Office, said Friday he is checking himself into a drug-treatment center.

"I'm heading to the airport right now and am heading into a long, extensive rehabilitation," Postmus said late Friday.

Postmus, 37, rose to prominence in San Bernardino County politics at lightning speed and won a seat on the Board of Supervisors at the age of 28.

On Friday, he said he has struggled with drug addiction for the past three years. MORE>>

The Press-Enterprise reported on Friday that a report on the San Bernardino County assessor's office by a high-profile, $495-an-hour lawyer is due by the end of the month or early May, and some supervisors say they intend for it to be made public.

The district attorney's office, which has been conducting its own investigation of the assessor's office for more than a year, wants to keep the report private for a while longer.

District attorney spokeswoman Susan Mickey said investigators are concerned that release of the report could affect witness testimony during a trial, if and when charges are brought.

"We want to protect a fair trial," she said.

Supervisor Neil Derry, whose office was caught up in the assessor's scandal when his chief of staff was arrested, said withholding the report would give the impression of a cover up. The full report needs to be released, he said.

"It would be even more embarrassing if we didn't release the information to the public," Derry said. "The public paid for the investigation." MORE>>


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