Thursday, December 4, 2008

Freak Show Entertainment's Film Premieres In Los Angeles

Highland-based Freak Show Entertainment's feature film "Run! Bitch Run!" premiered recently at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles.

Robert James Hayes II, Freak Show Entertainment writer/editor, reports:

"As the lights dimmed, a hush of anticipation filled the room. When the soundtrack rumbled through the speakers and the title appeared on the screen, the crowd exploded into applause, damn near giving us a standing ovation before the movie even started.

The audience eventually settled in, clinging to the edge of their seats, for the entire 90 revenged-filled minutes. When the shocking finale was seen, the boisterous crowd did something it hadn’t done all night. they sat there quiet, shocked at what had been unveiled. It took them a few seconds to digest the climactic finale. As the first closing credit hit the screen, the crowd flew into a frenzy of applause and cheers, waiting until the very last credit to roll and the lights to come up before leaving their seats.

The premiere was a very exciting event for everyone involved and a sign of good things to come for “RUN! BITCH RUN!” and Freak Show Entertainment."

image: Freak Show Entertainment

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