Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Police Blotter: Pharmacy Robbed, Deputy Tails Suspect
The off duty deputy followed the subject through surrounding streets, where he led deputies to the 2700 block of 13th Street. The subject was located and identified as George Luva of San Bernardino. Luva was positively identified by the store manager in an infield line up.
During the investigation, it was discovered Luva threatened the manager after leaving the store with the merchandise.
See link to aother incident at CVS Pharmacy in Highland. MORE>>
Monday, April 20, 2009
Heat To Continue Until Wednesday
Temperature today is expected to reach 96 with a low tonight of about 60. Tuesday is expected to be slightly cooler at 94 with temperatures overnight dropping to 57.
Wednesday is expected to top out at only 85. Calm winds between five and ten miles-per-hour are expected each day.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Small Vegetation Fire Stopped Quickly

Monday, April 13, 2009
Police Blotter: CVS Robbed On Easter Sunday
Instead of going into the bathroom, the suspect forced his way into the office, grabbed the employee by the hair and forced her to the ground. Once inside the office, the suspect kept his back to the video surveillance camera and forced the employee to the ground telling her, "I have a gun. If you scream, I'll kill you!"
The suspect then removed an undisclosed amount of cash (multiple denominations and coins) and placed it into a brown canvas or nylon bag. The suspect then exited the manager's office and left the store.
Deputies arrived on scene while the call was being aired by dispatch, but the suspect was able to flee the area.
Detectives are asking that anyone who has information about this robbery or the identity of the robbery suspect, to contact them at the Highland Police Department at 909-425-9793. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may leave information on the We-Tip Hotline by calling 1-800-78-CRIME or by accessing the web site at
See previous post about earlier incident at CVS Pharmacy. MORE>>
Police Blotter: Pursuit Results In DUI Arrest
Rather then pulling over to the side of the road, the vehicle continued traveling along 9th Street. As the Ford reached the intersection of McKinley and 9th Street the driver, 26-year-old Gaspar Soc, made a left turn. The speed of the vehicle was approximately 20 to 25 miles per hour. The vehicle continued to swerve and drive poorly. The Ford continued north on McKinley driving through a red signal at Base Line and McKinley. The driver drove north into an apartment complex parking lot and then pulled the truck over.
Soc was found to be under the influence of alcohol and was subsequently arrested on suspicion of driving Under the Influence and evading. He was transported and booked into the Central Detention Center.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Police Blotter: Armed Robbers Assault Store Clerk
The suspects were described as black males in their mid 20's, 5'-6" to 5'-7" tall, with medium builds. They were dressed in all dark clothing with hooded sweatshirts.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Matt Peterson at the Highland Sheriff's station at (909) 425-9793.
Police Blotter: Subject Jumps Onto Freeway
As his body struck the roadway his legs were broken by the force of the fall. Investigators believe he may have struck his head on the concrete or was struck in the head by a passing vehicle. McPherson's body was then struck by a passing vehicle.
McPherson was immediately transported to Loma Linda University Hospital by ambulance and his condition is unknown at this time.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Police Blotter: Traffic Enforcement Detail Results in Over 200 Citations, One Arrest On No-Bail Warrant
The traffic enforcement operation was conducted mainly in and around school zones in the City of Highland. The deputies and officers concentrated their efforts speeding, failing to stop for pedestrians in cross walks, unsafe turns and other traffic violations around the schools.
Written were 214 citations for a total of 286 separate Vehicle Code violations. 24 vehicles were towed for drivers driving without a license or a suspended license and a single No Bail felony arrest.
Future Multi Jurisdictional saturation enforcement patrols for traffic and other law enforcement related issues will continue in the City of Highland and other areas and cities in San Bernardino County throughout the year.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Postmus To Enter Rehabilitation, Supervisors To Provide Their $495-An-Hour Report To Public

"I'm heading to the airport right now and am heading into a long, extensive rehabilitation," Postmus said late Friday.
Postmus, 37, rose to prominence in San Bernardino County politics at lightning speed and won a seat on the Board of Supervisors at the age of 28.
On Friday, he said he has struggled with drug addiction for the past three years. MORE>>
The Press-Enterprise reported on Friday that a report on the San Bernardino County assessor's office by a high-profile, $495-an-hour lawyer is due by the end of the month or early May, and some supervisors say they intend for it to be made public.
The district attorney's office, which has been conducting its own investigation of the assessor's office for more than a year, wants to keep the report private for a while longer.
District attorney spokeswoman Susan Mickey said investigators are concerned that release of the report could affect witness testimony during a trial, if and when charges are brought.
"We want to protect a fair trial," she said.
Supervisor Neil Derry, whose office was caught up in the assessor's scandal when his chief of staff was arrested, said withholding the report would give the impression of a cover up. The full report needs to be released, he said.
"It would be even more embarrassing if we didn't release the information to the public," Derry said. "The public paid for the investigation." MORE>>
Friday, April 3, 2009
Police Blotter: Couple Robbed At Gunpoint In Their Garage, Trio Make Off With Cash
Upon arrival deputies were advised by the two victims that three black males approached them as they were sitting in their garage. One suspect removed a black handgun and ordered them both to the ground. The suspect with gun held it to the female's head and demanded drugs and money, while the other two suspects held the male victim on the ground. Fearing for her life the victim cooperated and gave them all of her money and denied having any drugs. The suspects then removed all of the male victims money and fled on foot. Deputies immediately established a perimeter and conducted a search of the area with negative results. The male victim also left the residence prior to the deputies arriving.
Suspects are described as three black male adults of unknown age, 5-8 to 5-10 in height, one of heavy build and armed with a handgun, last seen wearing black hooded jacket.
Anyone with information regarding this incident and the suspects involved is urged to contact the Highland Sheriff Station at (909) 425-9793. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may contact the We-Tip Hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463) or may leave information on the We-Tip Website at
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Report: Pilot In Montana Crash Asked To Divert

A preliminary report released Thursday on the Montana plane crash that killed 14 people two weeks ago said the pilot twice asked air traffic controllers to divert from the flight's original destination but gave no reason either time...
...The report said the last known radio communication from the pilot of the Pilatus PC-12/45 was that he was preparing to land on runway 33. He had twice told air traffic controllers he was diverting from the flight's original destination of Bozeman to Butte. MORE>>
Read earlier spost about this incident MORE>>
image: Mike Albans/AP